Greetings everyone, my name is Jonathan, age 32, and I am the Creator of the Galactic Global Network's - ViewMe Website Platform. These 3 platforms & more are a part of the Galactic Global Network: Global One - The first Social Network/Media Platform to help people around the world to make money and monetize on the internet. ViewMe - A social media streaming platform for content creators around the world to be able to monetize easily from their content with 8 different ways!  VGallery - The very first ecommerce marketplace & fashion Social Media platform to help connect customers to businesses & businesses to businesses the sell anything considered fashion items from clothing, shoes to jewelry & bags. I created these platforms for one thing in mind: To help all that wants to be help and looking for a way". - as because "We Are One" I am also a Keylontic science teacher and an expert with health and fitness, I would consider myself a non-legal Dr. About me? I enjoy high performance sports cars, as i am an enthusiast. I enjoy music & movies also (no favorite genres, just anything that sparks my interest honestly) I am an "Indigo Child" in human phrase, you can consider me a half-ET by soul.