Here is the list of functionalities inside the ViewMe video player pages and what they do:

  1. Light Off/On button
  2. Autoplay Button
  3. Skip to next/ or previous video
  4. Add Video to your Collections
  5. ‘Gift’ Global Credits for the Content Creator/Author1
  6. Like/Dislike Post buttons
  7. Share post button
  8. Donate Global Credits Button
  9. Send Friend Request or Un-Friend Button
  10. Follow/Unfollow Button
  11. Message User Button
  1. Gifting Global Credits is different from ‘Donating’ Global credits to users. The ‘Gifting’ of Global require a purchase of any global credit amount that will automatically be deposited into the recipient’s(Content Creators) account. This method is useful for users that don’t have enough of the amount Global Credits he/she wants to send to a user. ↩︎
About the creator Emerald Taliaguides
Hi, I'm Talia and I make tutorial Guides and How-to's Help  Examples This account will assist all users on how to navigate and use