

Spectator Features & benefits

  • Watch and view free listed videos and posts content by other creators.
  • Like & Comment on videos and posts.
  • join Groups and Forum topics.
  • Add videos to collections.
  • Donate or gift points to other members and creators.
  • Earn basic bonus Global Credits through specific activities.
  • View some blogging content on ViewGems by creators' unique creativity

Emerald Content Creator Features & Benefits

  • Create Content: As a member, you can upload videos and posts, sharing your ideas and creativity.
  • Photos: Creators can upload photo content
  • Videos: Creators can upload video content
  • ViewGems: Creators can creator ViewGem content that consits of texts, videos and photos, leading the content creator with maximum content creation freedom.
  • Messaging: Message your fans and other content creators.
  • Video Chat: Private video call your fans or other creators.
  • Audio Call: Audio call your fans and other content creators.
  • Forum Activity: Participate in forum topics and chats.

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