Step-by-step instructions of how to access your Affiliate Referral Portal and what are the links and settings within the Affiliate Portal.

  1. From the homepage, select the tab menu bars button on the top left of the header.
  2. Select ‘My stuff’ tab
  3. Next select My Referral Portal

Referral Portal Menu Links & Settings:

  1. Dashboard – Main Dashboard information
  2. Affiliate – Your Affiliate Referral Link URL settings.
  3. Network – Multi-Referral-Network settings and information.
  4. Statistics – Main Stats for referral count conversion success information.
  5. Graphs – Referral Graph showing earnings.
  6. Referrals – Referral Conversion & $ amount information
  7. Payouts – History of admin payouts to affiliate users.
  8. Visits – Referral Links that were successfully used by referred users.
  9. Creatives – Marketing images that Affiliate users can utilize to for referral campaigns.
  10. Direct Links – Special feature for Affiliate users to use their own or other website domain links to convert users instead of using the main domain referral link: referral links. Affiliate users can post up to 4 different Direct links to refer new users.
  11. Back to site – exit the referral portal area, back to main site.
  12. User Guides – Documentation of guides to know how to use & navigate through the platform.
  13. Creator Features Info – information explaining and showing all of the ViewMe platform features.
  14. Networking/Collaboration Chatroom – a single chatroom area for all members to network, talk business and chat.
  15. Notification Bell (top right) – Important news & information for all affiliate users from the ViewMe platform Administration.
  16. Referral Portal Settings – In this area all Affiliates must setup and enter their Payout information, in order to receive their commissions that they have earned from their referrals.
About the creator Emerald Taliaguides
Hi, I'm Talia and I make tutorial Guides and How-to's Help  Examples This account will assist all users on how to navigate and use